Following his successful concert, A Pass has called out fellow artist Lil Pazo for trying to sabotage his
concert by blaming NUP supporters for not supporting him during the
concert promotion.
During a TikTok broadcast, A Pass called Lil Pazo a “fake friend.”
He noted how the top leaders at NUP including Bobi Wine are his friends and even managed to attend the concert
physically on Friday.

A Pass questioned why Lil Pazo was quick to publicly call out NUP supporters before consulting A Pass on the matter, something the
self-styled Teacher believes was proof of Lil Pazo’s fake intentions.
A Pass further called out other fellow artists who only posted posters calling upon fans to flock to Serena Hotel on D-day.
He said they are pretenders and vows to give back the same energy towards their projects in the future.
That’s not how you handle this situation. You would have called me first. The
same person who was making noise, Lil Pazo, didn’t post anything about
my show.
I invited him to my press conference, he didn’t show up only to start shouting online about others not supporting me. I am not a man of
chaos, I want to focus on my music and get the support from fans without
the sympathy vote.
When you had a show, I posted about it, I made a video about Enkudi Festival and promoted it online but where is your video promoting my
concert? I want to show you how fake you are.